Better accuracy for a more effective nutrient supply

Many pet supplements have an oversimplified dosage chart just to make it extremely easy for pet owners. This approach, while convenient, sometimes ends up with directions that give a 25 lbs dog the same amount as a 75 lbs dog. We believe that these brackets are much too imprecise with either the small dog overdosing or the large dog not getting enough nutrients. Generally speaking, since natural supplements don't have serious side effects, it is preferable to give too much than too little, but we have narrowed down the animal weight brackets for a more adequate supply and for better results.
This table, though a bit rounded off, gives a good indication of the Calbrex™ or Calbrex-i™ requirements. The jar contains a 1.5 gr scoop, however you can also use a scale once and measure the powder quantity that your dog needs.
The importance of "Body Surface Area"
One thing to understand is that the dosage equivalency for different animal sizes is not just about weight, but also about the Body Surface Area (BSA). It is because clinical studies take into account the BSA factor that a dose relative to weight for a human being 6 times less that of a rat. BSA is the norm used for clinical purposes instead of raw body weight because it is a much more precise indicator of metabolic mass. What this means is that the comparative dosage of different animals is not a straight line as it is not solely based on weight. This has a significant incidence for pets under 30 lbs since their dosage requirement is proportionately much higher.